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About Us

The Shopware Visual Management has been developed based on more than 20 years’ frontline shop floor manufacturing experience. We’re passionate about integrating people, platforms and processes. For us, a lean and integrated process is a thing of beauty; in elegant simplicity we see the ultimate sophistication. We’re inspired every time we see a client enjoying the benefit of optimised efficiencies.

The main benefits of using the Shopware visual management system include:

  • Improved business performance in terms of quality, speed and cost effectiveness.

  • Factual real-time information replaces traditional recording and reporting systems.

  • The visual workplace instantly highlights problems facilitating rapid response and problem solving.

  • Integration with world-class lean management principles.

  • Employees are empowered to use a simple, effective information technology, thereby improving performance.

We provide easy to use technologies and training thereby accelerating our clients’ ability to adopt and implement lean best practices. The result – improved world-class competitiveness.